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30 Bromley Roadnue
Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone: (503) 308-0500

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Join the Unlimited Property Listing Program
Introducing the "Unlimited Property Listing Program":

We are happy to introduce a new option for Realtors® and agents who would like to list an unlimited amount of historic homes, commercial buildings and other vintage structures for sale.  By using the secure form below or by calling us at 503-308-0500, you will be able to pay a yearly fee upfront and instantly be able to list as many property listings as you like for a 12 month period (properties must be at least 50 years old or older to qualify; they need not be on the National Register of Historic Places or have any other historic designation to qualify). 

Please note that our standard 2 month / 6 month / 12 month listings will remain, as this is just another option for those with multiple listings.  

You will also receive a variety of other perks which will help to provide the maximum exposure for these amazing homes throughout our vast network of preservation-minded professionals and historic homeowners.  

Read below for full details:

  • Individual Agent Account: Unlimited property listings for $375 for 12 monthsPre-pay online or over the phone, and you will be able to list as many properties as you want during the 12 month (365 day) period; OR

  • Office Account: Unlimited property listings for 12 months for up to 5 agents in your office for $575 for 12 months.  When you pre-pay the fee online or by phone, you will be able to submit a list of up to five agents who will qualify for the program.  Each agent on the list will be able to list an unlimited amount of properties during the 12 month (365 day) period. 

In addition, you will also receive the following when you sign-up for the Unlimited Property Listing Program:
  • Each property listing will be viewable on BOTH HistoricForSale.com and our partner site PreservationDirectory.com ($35 value/property)
  • Social Media Exposure: Each listing will be posted to the PreservationDirectory.com (3,700+ fans) and HistoricForSale.com Facebook pages (1,000+ fans), as well as the @HistoricPres Twitter feed.
  • Each listing will be featured on the "Featured Listing page" for 1 week ($25 value/property)
  • Free Agent Listing in our "Historic Real Estate Agent Directory" ($125 value for the Individual Account; up to a $625 value for the Office Account)
  • All current listings will be extended to match the expiration date of your Unlimited Property Listing Program account.

If you are already a member of our website (i.e. you have submitted listing(s) before), please use your login information when joining. If you are not already a member, you will create an account when you join.  This will allow you to access your property listings 24/7 for edits, to view number of page views, add new photos, etc. 

Again, please use the secure form below or call to sign-up over the phone (503-308-0500).  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at anytime.


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Is this your first time being listed on our website?  Please register as a member - this will enable you to have secure access to your property listings in order to make revisions or monitor them 24 hours/day, 7 days/week (you will only need to register once and your information is NEVER shared with any 3rd party).

The information you enter on Step 1 below will be used as your membership contact information.  

Register as a Member
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Step 2 of 3: Program Membership Options
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Agency Name
Approved Agents
Step 3 of 3: Payment Information
Please provide your credit card information below. This website is secure.
*Credit Card Number  Visa, MasterCard, American Express
*Expiration Date  
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View more information about this historic property for sale in Warrenton, North Carolina

Graceful Victorian in the Heart of Historic Warrenton, NC

Warrenton, NC

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