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30 Bromley Roadnue
Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone: (503) 308-0500

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Step 2 of 9: Property Listing - Contact Information
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Step 3 of 9: Property Listing - Location Information
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Property Address
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Step 4 of 9: Property Listing - General Property Information
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Number of Bedrooms
Number of Bathrooms
Square Feet
Lot Description/Acreage
Year Built
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Step 5 of 9: Property Listing - Property Photos
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NOTE: This website is optimized to upload .jpg image files. Although other image formats are acceptable, we recommend using .jpg files to ensure that your images are displayed with the highest quality.
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Step 6 of 9: Listing Options
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Step 7 of 9: Feature Your Listing
We now offer additional methods to gain exposure for your historic property for sale listing. In addition to including each property on our "New Listings" page and including each property in our "Historic Property for Sale Email Newsletter" at no additional charge, we now offer fee-based opportunities to feature your property prominently on this site.
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Step 8 of 9: Increased Exposure with our Partner Website Program
In addition to including your property within our historic real estate section, we now offer reduced-rate opportunities to promote your real estate for sale on our partner website PreservationDirectory.com, which gives you double the visitors! As an added bonus, if you have chosen to be included as a Featured Property, your listing will also be featured on our partner website as well!
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Step 9 of 9: Payment Information
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     30 Bromley Roadnue
     Pittsford, NY 14534

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Two-Flat Row House in Pullman National Historical Park

Chicago, IL

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